I've only had a blog for a little over 12 hours at this point, and this is already my third entry. I seriously could just write like a million posts in one day and still have more to say, but since I, and my good friend Chloe Mehr set up my blog, and her new Facebook account, I thought I would comment on the benefits and bummers of each. So this is what I can decide so far of the differences, so far, also implies that there may be more posts like this one.
The Cons - It's a little bit impersonal, though I don't mind to much. That lack of personalness can be a little bit annoying sometimes. From time to time you may want to write on the wall of a friend or something and then you are writing back and forth on each others walls and stalker ladies in her ward will start raising their eyebrows and asking her if something is going on between her and I. That leads to another frustration for another post.
- It's a little bit to social I think. The truth is I have a problem with friends. You see, as an officer of the school I feel it is my responsibility to be friends with all people, so if someone adds me and I don't know them I will accept for two reasons. 1. They might be a student I don't know. 2. I have 1014 friends on FB right now, which I consider an accomplishment and some boyish part of me always wants to be the best. You always want to have more friends than someone else, and be more popular. I should probably just be friends with the people I know.
- The difference between Facebook and Blog posts are you can use more that 420 characters. Really? It's so hard to fit everything I want to say on Facebook into 420 characters, which include spaces. Often times I can't even put a verse and chorus of a song on my post. It's kind of annoying.
-Why does everyone whine on Facebook? People just get on their and say my day sucked, everyone feel sorry for me. Well, my brother does at least. Why don't you just come out and say it straight, which is another later blog post. He also updates us on his video game status, just letting me know and 500 other mature people that he beat Ganandorf today.
So enough bad things her are the
Pros - I actually do like that it is so social on Facebook. It makes it more interactive and you can kind of keep track of your friends that have moved out.
- You can chat on Facebook, you can't do that on blogger.
- You can send messages to each other on Facebook, that is kind of cool. Nobody uses email hardly since FB came around.
-Facebook has a nice easy design and it's super easy to start. Chloe and I got onto Blogger and it took me like an hour to get started. On Facebook it took us 5 minutes. It's kind of cool like that.
-Notifications: I always no that someone has added me or commented on my picture, etc. because of notifications. On blogger if someone has commented on my post only I can see it, which I appreciate, but it's kind of hard to find.
Cons - Basically all the cons of Blogger are the pros of Facebook. But I just want to say that Blogger is a little bit confusing.
Pros - These are all the cons of Facebook, or mostly.
Thank you for listening.
Hear Hear!