Sunday, February 6, 2011


"Hey, I used to have a little bit of a plan
Used to, have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right outta my hand
Now, I don't really even know who I am."
- Fort Minor, Believe Me

Have you ever felt lost? Have you ever felt afraid? Have you ever felt like you are doing something wrong? Have you ever felt like you've lost touch with what's important. Well, I think I feel like that right now. I feel like I've been so distanced from the Lord. I used to blog every post about my testimony, now I just complain. What went wrong? Gratitude to him who saved me. That is the difference. I lost touch, but now I'm coming back. I'm remembering what is most important. The Lord blesses me with humility in unexpected ways. Sometimes it'll be a friend ignoring me, others it will just be some great trial until I am sufficiently humbled and I come crawling back to him on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness. I think sometimes I lose sight of what is most important. I forget where I'm going and where I'm from, but the Lord, he puts the signals there and brings me home to him again. That is why I need him. The first step in the repentance process is really just accepting that you've sinned. I admit, I'm lost, so now I can find my way back. What a great blessing the atonement is. Lord, I promise I will be better.

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